Every Drink is an Adventure!

Tiger Snack (Shipping Included)

Lost Temple Traders

Regular price $100.00
Tiger Snack (Shipping Included)
Tiger Snack (Shipping Included)
Tiger Snack (Shipping Included)
Tiger Snack (Shipping Included)
Tiger Snack (Shipping Included)

Beware: Locals have reported sightings of a man-eating tiger near the Lost Temple. Proceed with caution. 

Tiger Snack is a collaboration between Lost Temple Traders and Monkey Skull. Limited to 100 in orange and 75 in the brown glaze, and 25 in the White glaze, these man-eating beasts hold 32oz of your favorite drink. 

Brown Tigers now shipping!

Orange Tigers First Half Now Shipping.

White Tigers Now Shipping 

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