Pat Vasser and Monkey Skull have sculpted and produced some of our best mugs including Forbidden Rye, Tiger Snack, 80 Fathoms, Groggy Grotters, Zombie Severed Skipper, Double Dealing Seity and more. One of the first mugs Pat sculpted for us was our Safari Camp Raider. This was before Monkey Skull was producing mugs so we made it as an import. While we love the mug that was made, we were always curious what a full color version from Monkey Skull would have looked like. Pat is excited about the prospect of taking this project on, but we only want to revisit if there’s interest. This is the Startkicker for an updated version handmade by Monkey Skull.
We’re offering 100 slots (total mug run 200) at $165. The final run will be 200 and closer to $200. If you choose to back this project, we’ll invoice you if all 100 spots are claimed, and the project is moving forward. This will be a slightly refreshed sculpt in full color. Thanks for making this happen!